Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A Treatise on Infinity
Infinity is not but a word that some such fool of the middle ages whispered into abyss, yet it is an idea, and an idea which can be fleshed out, brought to the light, understood by the laymen who thinketh it is such only a word can be understood by demons and Satan himself, but which can be explained by such a thinker that believes it to be what it truly is, which is not the straight, never ending, always forming line it is thought of today, but an object one must think of as already there, as being a circle-but-not-a-circle, a line which is already there when it is formed, for you see infinite cannot be ever forming for it would not be infinite, it would be almost infinite, and to be infinite it would have to have been formed all at once, so to think of a quark, the smallest of the subatomic particles, three of which comprise a meson, is to think of infinite as compared to the nearly infinite as thought of today, and as such the quark would be represented by infinite, as it is already there and already formed, and the meson, formed by these things which are nearly infinite would be todays variation on infinite, for one cannot travel infinite but can only try and reach it, so to reach it one must only stand still and BE, and thus one can reach infinity and BE infinity by not attempting infinity, and by following that such train of thought we must then say that we are all infinite, but that cannot be, so we must think of all of us as a part of each other and we are all THERE at the same time, as our quarks were THERE forever, so we, each and all of us, are INFINITE.
An army, a thousand strong, camping for the night. The immense floor of the crater crawled with Soldiers, campfires and tents flaring up in the center. The escarpment glittered with dull reflections and echoed the voices of hundreds of men. Mary watched the confusion, wondering why such a force was wandering the wastes. Lost, perhaps? or searching for some front line they may never find? It did not matter. Mary payed them no heed and returned to her Tent and fell into Sleep.
The jurgammersmen whimpered.
Mary awoke to screaming, to blind confusion. The frejn was at the door, beckoning, come quick. "what is it?" she asked. The screeching heightened in pitch, a mad clammering came from the crater. They arrived at the rim. Mary looked out.
Chaos. Soldiers ran screaming, posessed as if madmen held their souls. Above, in the troubled darkness which was Sky, lay a seething mass of Chaos and Nightmare. Half abberant tentacles swept down to carry off running men. The Bell! The Bell which shall Ring at End Time, the seething mass of Chaos which appeareth in the sky above, the RINGING which rends the hearts of Men and drives them wild with fear, the SCREECHING from upon nigh which shall bring an end to sanity. The ringing the ringing! As if from Hell the BELL shall Ring like the thousand
madmen, and, swooping down an omnipresent fist from Satan shall PLUCK the soldiers from the plain and cast them into thew maw of oblivion!
lol. that got carried away. really quickly. yaaaay. but. thats what makes good writing, no? hell yes.
The jurgammersmen whimpered.
Mary awoke to screaming, to blind confusion. The frejn was at the door, beckoning, come quick. "what is it?" she asked. The screeching heightened in pitch, a mad clammering came from the crater. They arrived at the rim. Mary looked out.
Chaos. Soldiers ran screaming, posessed as if madmen held their souls. Above, in the troubled darkness which was Sky, lay a seething mass of Chaos and Nightmare. Half abberant tentacles swept down to carry off running men. The Bell! The Bell which shall Ring at End Time, the seething mass of Chaos which appeareth in the sky above, the RINGING which rends the hearts of Men and drives them wild with fear, the SCREECHING from upon nigh which shall bring an end to sanity. The ringing the ringing! As if from Hell the BELL shall Ring like the thousand
madmen, and, swooping down an omnipresent fist from Satan shall PLUCK the soldiers from the plain and cast them into thew maw of oblivion!
lol. that got carried away. really quickly. yaaaay. but. thats what makes good writing, no? hell yes.
Mary awoke to the frejn standing over her, a bottle of Consciousness in his hand. She blinked once to clear blurry eyes, then stood and thanked it. Outside the wind howled as it always did, the constant rush of dust eternally whipping against the red landscape. Mary heard the mounts whinny, and, noting the absence of a third, wept. The day was young however, and she steeled herself against the loss of her beloved jurgammersman. There was much travelling to be done, and no time to be wasted. Not much to bury anyway.
The tent came down with ease, and once breakfast was had they set off once again into the Red Wastes.
None saw the humanid come snuffling out of the mist. A dead jen hung in its pack. It felt the ground, simple but clear thoughts holding Conjunction.
one minus
All were here.
energy is the soul of all being
The being ate, tearing off large strips of meat and consuming them through its stomache-hole. Then it sifted off into the wastes, following the tracks of Mary and Frejn.
League after league of gray iron dust assailed the travelers, pushing ever onward into the cracks and folds of their beings, lacing their bodies with the rotten remains of long dead civilizations. Great running lights ran every hundred miles, and at these they would stop, cherishing the last vestiges of hope humanity had left on this world. At the second such light they made camp. Frejn dissapeared once more and Mary set up Tent. Throwing the remains of her dinner into the wind, she attempted to sleep. Before she could drink of it, a vibration reached her ears. A dull rumble on the wind, a trembling in the ground. Something large was approaching. Mary stepped out of the tent. Nothing in sight. Of course, that meant nothing in the Maur. Things came and went here with nary a sight, and to see was not to know what was truly there. A clanging joined in, and Mary stepped out of the tent, curious. There. By that crater, that unholy edifice of the old days, therein lay the sound. Ash crumbled beneath her feet as she climbed, the noises growing louder and greater in number. At the rim, She-Who-Searches-For-Her-Husband looked out and beheld the source of the noise.
The tent came down with ease, and once breakfast was had they set off once again into the Red Wastes.
None saw the humanid come snuffling out of the mist. A dead jen hung in its pack. It felt the ground, simple but clear thoughts holding Conjunction.
one minus
All were here.
energy is the soul of all being
The being ate, tearing off large strips of meat and consuming them through its stomache-hole. Then it sifted off into the wastes, following the tracks of Mary and Frejn.
League after league of gray iron dust assailed the travelers, pushing ever onward into the cracks and folds of their beings, lacing their bodies with the rotten remains of long dead civilizations. Great running lights ran every hundred miles, and at these they would stop, cherishing the last vestiges of hope humanity had left on this world. At the second such light they made camp. Frejn dissapeared once more and Mary set up Tent. Throwing the remains of her dinner into the wind, she attempted to sleep. Before she could drink of it, a vibration reached her ears. A dull rumble on the wind, a trembling in the ground. Something large was approaching. Mary stepped out of the tent. Nothing in sight. Of course, that meant nothing in the Maur. Things came and went here with nary a sight, and to see was not to know what was truly there. A clanging joined in, and Mary stepped out of the tent, curious. There. By that crater, that unholy edifice of the old days, therein lay the sound. Ash crumbled beneath her feet as she climbed, the noises growing louder and greater in number. At the rim, She-Who-Searches-For-Her-Husband looked out and beheld the source of the noise.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Tracker
In the Mor, a Door Opened. Rusty hinges slid back to a weathered iron door. Lights sounded in the Deep, a rumbling welled up. Then only silence, as the wind whistled past and dust rattled against the cold metal. With infinite slowness a head poked up. The Tracker's shelled head faced the wind, thick trunk sniffing the ground. Synapses fired, slow but sharp thought linking the two brains.
That Direction
The shuffling semi-human ambled off into the red wind.
Mary looked at the Red Waste, then at the blackened sun slowly descending towards Horizon.
"We'll camp here for Night" she said.
The Frejn dissapeared after dark, which wasn't that surprising. Mary sat alone at the tent opening, watching Poison rise. Sickly green light washed over the landscape, Luna's silvery glow reduced to a pinprick of silver against the obscene form of the mountain in the sky.
When Ring was at half Brightness, Mary drank of Sleep, and as its cool embarce washed over here, her last thoughts were of her Husband and the Frejn.
In the Night, the scent of humanity drifted on the wind. An amorphous blob with moonshine bottled in its insides slid over to the tent, accompanied by a seahorse headed Djarling. Eel formed figures gathered, followed by a glowering abarition. Luna Mor and the Slug Which Shall Be A Mile In Length changed course, and the Million Year Beast began its Thousand Year Blink to catch a sight of the Human curiosity. Drejn tunneled from the Deep, great wyrm-things. Wings sounded in the Night air, causing general uneasyness in the masses below. The night was rent with silent cries and shuffling, as the Creations of Man came to surround the sleeping Mary, standing in silent thought at the sight of She Who Hunts Her Husband.
The Frejn returned at SunUp to find Poison Setting and the luminous population of the Red Wastes slithering back to the Great Deep. It rushed to the shadow of the tent door and found Mary sleeping inside, unharmed.
To a lesser extent had the Jurgammersmen been left alone. Two remained tied to their posts. The third was listing to the side some hundred feet away, a great liquid gash covering the back leg. As the Frejn watched the gash widened and the shrieking animal dissolved. The thirsty ground sucked up the liquid and in seconds nothing remained.
Such were the ways of the Maur.
The Frejn went to administer Consciousness to the sleeping Mary.
In the Mor, a Door Opened. Rusty hinges slid back to a weathered iron door. Lights sounded in the Deep, a rumbling welled up. Then only silence, as the wind whistled past and dust rattled against the cold metal. With infinite slowness a head poked up. The Tracker's shelled head faced the wind, thick trunk sniffing the ground. Synapses fired, slow but sharp thought linking the two brains.
That Direction
The shuffling semi-human ambled off into the red wind.
Mary looked at the Red Waste, then at the blackened sun slowly descending towards Horizon.
"We'll camp here for Night" she said.
The Frejn dissapeared after dark, which wasn't that surprising. Mary sat alone at the tent opening, watching Poison rise. Sickly green light washed over the landscape, Luna's silvery glow reduced to a pinprick of silver against the obscene form of the mountain in the sky.
When Ring was at half Brightness, Mary drank of Sleep, and as its cool embarce washed over here, her last thoughts were of her Husband and the Frejn.
In the Night, the scent of humanity drifted on the wind. An amorphous blob with moonshine bottled in its insides slid over to the tent, accompanied by a seahorse headed Djarling. Eel formed figures gathered, followed by a glowering abarition. Luna Mor and the Slug Which Shall Be A Mile In Length changed course, and the Million Year Beast began its Thousand Year Blink to catch a sight of the Human curiosity. Drejn tunneled from the Deep, great wyrm-things. Wings sounded in the Night air, causing general uneasyness in the masses below. The night was rent with silent cries and shuffling, as the Creations of Man came to surround the sleeping Mary, standing in silent thought at the sight of She Who Hunts Her Husband.
The Frejn returned at SunUp to find Poison Setting and the luminous population of the Red Wastes slithering back to the Great Deep. It rushed to the shadow of the tent door and found Mary sleeping inside, unharmed.
To a lesser extent had the Jurgammersmen been left alone. Two remained tied to their posts. The third was listing to the side some hundred feet away, a great liquid gash covering the back leg. As the Frejn watched the gash widened and the shrieking animal dissolved. The thirsty ground sucked up the liquid and in seconds nothing remained.
Such were the ways of the Maur.
The Frejn went to administer Consciousness to the sleeping Mary.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The beginning happened on a rainy saturday morning, among the clickings and scratchings of the Hutchins Small Mammal Reasearch Lab. At exactly 7:42 am, an electrode clicked in the spinal column of Test Subject 54-32/G/Hb. Electricity flowed, patterns linked, and a common lab mouse, genially named Marvin by the scientific staff, became the first mammal since Man to gain sentience.
"Who am I?" He thought.
"Whats is my purpose?"
And then;
"Ah fuck this. It's getting too cliche. I'm getting out of here."
Marvin looked at the cage door. A simple drop bolt was all that stood between him space.
Marvin looked down.
"Ah, fuck. They put me on the top shelf."
Marvins nosed twitched as he looked down at the tiled floor, 6 feet below.
The following headline is a clip from the London Times, marked April 17th, 1883.
Essex- Last night an event occured which can only be described as blank and blank. At approximately 7:28 am this morning, the town of Liston recieved a shock as a large mass of Badgers numbering in the thousands descended upon the town.
"Who am I?" He thought.
"Whats is my purpose?"
And then;
"Ah fuck this. It's getting too cliche. I'm getting out of here."
Marvin looked at the cage door. A simple drop bolt was all that stood between him space.
Marvin looked down.
"Ah, fuck. They put me on the top shelf."
Marvins nosed twitched as he looked down at the tiled floor, 6 feet below.
The following headline is a clip from the London Times, marked April 17th, 1883.
Essex- Last night an event occured which can only be described as blank and blank. At approximately 7:28 am this morning, the town of Liston recieved a shock as a large mass of Badgers numbering in the thousands descended upon the town.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
So we have just enough room for an acknowledgements/thank you page. Could we come up with a list of people we would like to thank for their support, etc.?
After we have the acknowledgements taken care of we can get the copies made. Then all we have to do is staple and fold and hand out!
So list away, please!
After we have the acknowledgements taken care of we can get the copies made. Then all we have to do is staple and fold and hand out!
So list away, please!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
more ideas
does anyone read this blog anymore? lol. kinda silent...ok so, a woman lives on a hill in some odd place in the middle of nowhere, maybe a large plain. andddddd she goes on adventures, searching for her husband and stuff. lalaslala. humph. and its called like...Mary of the Hill or something really british and old fashioned. cuz you know, steampunk and all that jazz are the future...hmm. my spelling and grammar are really off. there will be mimsies, of course. DAMNIT i had another idea but i forgot...blast. anyway, really old fashioned concepts used in a future millions of years from now. naturally people will look the same as they do now, maybe wearing victorian clothes and laser pistols. nah. meson cannons and quarkium grenades. YAY XD. and yes, they will commune with god at all times and have intimate questions regarding the universe and its wonders. blurgh. ok. the entire story will be written while listening to GRV's Exsomnis, and perhaps more ninja boy. bella bella quite contrair, stars are burning in your hair, gazing out upon abyss, the earth is quiet, Time's amiss. HER NAME IS BELLA. ARGGGHGHHH.
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