Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A Treatise on Infinity
Infinity is not but a word that some such fool of the middle ages whispered into abyss, yet it is an idea, and an idea which can be fleshed out, brought to the light, understood by the laymen who thinketh it is such only a word can be understood by demons and Satan himself, but which can be explained by such a thinker that believes it to be what it truly is, which is not the straight, never ending, always forming line it is thought of today, but an object one must think of as already there, as being a circle-but-not-a-circle, a line which is already there when it is formed, for you see infinite cannot be ever forming for it would not be infinite, it would be almost infinite, and to be infinite it would have to have been formed all at once, so to think of a quark, the smallest of the subatomic particles, three of which comprise a meson, is to think of infinite as compared to the nearly infinite as thought of today, and as such the quark would be represented by infinite, as it is already there and already formed, and the meson, formed by these things which are nearly infinite would be todays variation on infinite, for one cannot travel infinite but can only try and reach it, so to reach it one must only stand still and BE, and thus one can reach infinity and BE infinity by not attempting infinity, and by following that such train of thought we must then say that we are all infinite, but that cannot be, so we must think of all of us as a part of each other and we are all THERE at the same time, as our quarks were THERE forever, so we, each and all of us, are INFINITE.
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